Andronica Klaas currently serves as Miss Black and Gold representing both ANCA and the Southern Region. She graduated on Sunday, May 21 from Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte with a degree in Management Information Systems.  Miss Klaas formerly attended the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa.

See more about the story here.

Brother Moses T. Alexander Greene (Nov 2015 initiate into Phi Lambda Chapter) has been selected as the new Director of the North Carolina State University Black Cultural Center.
The Black Cultural Center is housed within the Gus Witherspoon Center on the campus of NC State.
See the link below for official announcement.
The Witherspoon Student Center is named after Brother Augustus M. Witherspoon to honor his dedication of mentoring students while serving as an outstanding researcher, professor, and community leader. Augustus M. Witherspoon was the first African American professor at NC State and the second African American to receive a PhD from NC State.
Bro. Witherspoon was a proud active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the Southern Region, District of North Carolina and Phi Lambda Chapter.
Always Fraternal,
Bro. Antoine Medley
Phi Lambda Chapter