Greetings Brothers,
I am excited to send you this official call for the 63rd Association of North Carolina Alphamen District Conference! As we communicated during the district caucus at the Southern Regional Convention, we will convene to review the outcomes related to, “The Impact of ANCA in Action; Fortifying Our Service and Advocacy for Greater Community Engagement.” While gathered in Hickory, NC we will fellowship, take stock of our collective efforts, continue our fraternal development as well as share our vision and action plan for the next 12 months. The conference committee has prepared quite the experience for you, and I am hopeful you will come and invest your time with the Brotherhood. (Click here to read more)

Luico Holland

Caleb Boyce
Conference Mobile App Experience
Please visit: to view the conference agenda and other important conference information.
Click the tabs below for key information on the conference activities, information submission, registrations, and ticket purchases.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register as a delegate?
Looking for a smooth conference registration process as a delegate? Brothers are encouraged to fill out the 63rd ANCA District Conference online application. Under the conference registration section, choose your correct field of delegate – college or delegate – Alumni. Make sure you chose “if you are in District Leadership and a District Guest”.
Who do I contact if I’m having issues with registration?
If you have any issues with registration, please contact Brother Kelvin Turnage at [email protected]
What events are included in general admission?
-College Brothers General Admission-
College Brothers Symposium |
College Brothers Symposium Lunch |
Fraternal Luncheon |
Public Program Reception |
Dr. Willis L. Baird Life Membership Breakfast |
Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Luncheon |
Awards Reception |
Miss Old Gold and Black |
Step Show |
Registration Gift |
-General Admission-
Fraternal Luncheon |
Public Program Reception |
Dr. Willis L. Baird Life Membership Breakfast |
Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Luncheon |
Awards Reception |
Miss Old Gold and Black |
Step Show |
Registration Gift |
When will I receive my chapter invoice?
Invoicing is now digital. Please be sure to check your chapters email account on file in AlphaMx. If it’s not in the inbox, please check junk or spam. Invoicing will come out in two waves. Alumni chapters will received their invoices by Sunday, August 25th. College chapters will receive theirs by Tuesday, August 27th.
How do I register my spouse/significant other for the Yellow Rose Experience?
Yellow rose registration is included in the conference registration experience. If there are any issues, please contact Bro. Kelvin Turnage at [email protected].
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