Position  NameEmail AddressChapter
District Director
 Brother Michael Pittman[email protected]Kappa Lambda
Assistant District Director
 Brother Brandon SmithBeta Epsilon
Immediate Past District Director
 Brother Tejuan Manners[email protected]Phi Lambda
Executive Director
 Brother Kanton T. Reynolds[email protected]Phi Lambda
 Brother Korwind Z. Stokes[email protected]Epsilon Chi Lambda
 Brother Anthony Enoch[email protected]Gamma Kappa Lambda
 Brother Robert Pompey[email protected]Kappa Lambda
Financial Secretary
 Brother Keith L. Hudson[email protected]Rho Alpha Lambda
Political Action Chair
 Brother Marcus Bass[email protected]Phi Lambda
Convention Chairman
 Brother Kelvin C. Turnage[email protected]Epsilon Sigma  Lambda
Legal Counsel
 Brother Terrell N. Nicholson[email protected]Epsilon Sigma  Lambda
Area 1 Director, District Chief Dean
 Brother Chad Tucker[email protected]Zeta Eta Lambda
Area 1 Assistant Director
 Brother Jordan Stephens[email protected]Omicron Beta.
Area 2 Director
 Brother Paul Brown[email protected]Epsilon Rho Lambda
Area 2 Assistant Director
 Brother Malik McFadden[email protected]Omicron Theta
Area 3 Director
 Brother  Robert Cox[email protected]Beta Theta Lambda
Area 3 Assistant Director
 Brother Jaden Peay
[email protected]
Gamma Beta
Area 4 Director
 Brother Ed Zimmerman[email protected]Kappa Lambda
Co Area 4 Assistant Director
 Brother Kevin Green[email protected]Beta Iota
Co Area 4 Assistant Director
 Brother Cameron Wilson[email protected]Beta Epsilon
Area 5 Director
 Brother Luico Holland[email protected]Eta Mu Lambda
Area 5 Assistant Director
 Brother Jeffrey Carter[email protected]Mu Tau
District Chief Dean
 Brother Thomas Turner[email protected]Beta Nu Lambda
Senior Advisor to the DD
 Brother Carl Pickney[email protected]Beta Theta Lambda
Advisor to the DD
 Brother Eric Heath[email protected]Beta Theta Lambda
Legal Adviser to the DD
 Brother Jerry Blakemore[email protected]Kappa Lambda
Communications Director
 Brother Ronnie Owens[email protected]Kapp Lambda
AlphaMX Trainer
Rufus Credle
 Brother Rufus Credle[email protected]Phi Lambda
College Life to Corporate Life Chair
 Leshaun Jenkins[email protected]Epsilon Sigma Lambda